Investing in climate resilience can't wait

Mati deploys Enhanced Rock Weathering for climate adaptation prioritizing regions that will benefit the most.

Smallholder farmers are our focus

Globally over 500 million farmers are small holders with less than 3 hectares of land. Roughly 80% of these smallholder farmers particularly in the Global South are at risk of climate hazards like extreme heat, drought, and flooding that will threaten their food security and livelihood in the next 20 years. Global financial system is highly inequitable to these farming households who are disproportionately poor and vulnerable. Such smallholder farmers urgently need resources to build climate resilience.

Farmer Stories

Urmila Devi shares how adding Mati (basalt dust) is helping her save her crops from pests

“मेरी फसलों में पहले अक्सर स्टेम बोरर और गुंधी बग की समस्या होती थी, इसलिए हमें बहुत सारे कीटनाशक डालने पड़ते थे। इससे हमारी लागत बढ़ जाती थी और फसल की गुणवत्ता भी कम होती थी। माटी मिलाने के बाद मैंने देखा कि कीटों में काफी कमी आई है और खाद की आवश्यकता भी 50% कम हो गई है।”

“My crops used to have pests like stem borer and gundhi bug very frequently, so we had to add lot of pesticides. This added to our costs and reduced the value of the produce . After adding Mati, I have seen a significant reduction in pests and there is 50% less fertilizer needed.”

Mr Samson, Mati's farmer partner in Zambia

Mr Samson of Livingstone in Zambia shares impact of Mati(basalt dust) on his maize crop 

Mabele yandi tachalipo yakula kabotu kakale. Ndabona bwino kusiyana uko kuleta fufutani ya mabwe, ikambile nkhaso yacibotu ya kukolola. Pamo ni kuluba kwa maluba, ukwingilila manswi kubotu sana. Nalumba kapati cifacakazyi ici, pe mbono ya kutalalala okufyala kwabotu kumunda wandi.

My maize crop has never grown so well before. I can clearly see the difference the rock dust is making, and it gives me hope for a bountiful harvest. With the ongoing drought, the boost in water retention is especially valuable. I’m grateful for this supplement and the improvements it has brought to my fields.

Narayan Singh shares how Mati (basalt dust) is helping him remineralize his degarded soil.

“कई वर्षों की रासायनिक खेती के कारण मेरे खेत की मिट्टी कठोर हो चुकी थी। माटी डालने से मेरी मिटटी में बदलाव आया है| मेरी मिट्टी नरम और पोषक तत्वों से भरपूर हो गई है जिससे मेरी फसलें उत्तरी छत्तीसगढ़ की कठोर बारिश का सामना करने में सक्षम हो रही हैं |”

After years of struggling with hard, depleted soil, adding Mati’s rock dust has transformed my land. My soil has become softer and nutrient-rich helping my crops withstand the harsh monsoons here in northern Chhattisgarh.

Rajesh Gupta shares the impact of Mati (basalt dust) on his crop yields 

“माटी को खेत में डालने के बाद मेरी फसल की उपज में वृद्धि हुई है और अन्य फसलों की तुलना में फसल में रोग भी कम हुए हैं। माटी हमारी मिट्टी की गुणवत्ता को बढ़ाने और हमारे खेतों पर फसल लागत के बोझ को कम करने में हमारी बहुत मदद कर रही है।”

After putting Mati in the field, the yield of my crop has increased and diseases in the crop have also reduced compared to other crops. Mati is helping us a lot in enhancing the quality of our soil and reducing the burden of crop costs on our farms.”