Scaling ERW to benefit smallholder farmers
Mati Carbon is responsible for the first ever delivery of engineered carbon dioxide removal credits in the Global South.
India Operations:
Mati Carbon is the first group to push Enhanced Rock Weathering (ERW) to an industrial scale in India. Moreover, at Mati’s initial Indian deployments the first ever engineered carbon dioxide removal credits were delivered. Mati has fully operationalized its model in two states (Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh) and is currently working on expansion in to three other states within next twelve months.

Zambia Operations:
Mati Carbon has partnered with the Mukuni Trust in South Zambia to conduct ERW field trials near the souther border of Zambia. The soil quality in regions of Southern Zambia is poor. Crop yields for farmers in the Mukuni tribe are correspondingly suboptimal. Thus, there are significant potential co-benefits for farmers by deploying ERW in this region.
Tanzania Operations:
Mati Carbon has partnered with a NGO “Engineers without borders (EWB)” in Tanzania to expand ERW operations. Trials with basalt dust have been conducted in the region to validate farmer benefit. With extensive farming acreage and pasture land in the country the benefits of large scale adoption of ERW in the region can be immense.